Speaker Presentations

Links to presentations will be added here as they become available.  Click on session title to view.

Monday 14 November

QILT Workshop The Social Research Centre


Tuesday 15 November

Session 1.1 National Institutional Performance Assessment Schemes in Higher Education: an initial comparative analysis Martin Hanlon, University of Technology Sydney
Session 1.2 We’re Getting There – Continuously Improving a Team to “Get Stuff Done” Emily Webber, University of New South Wales
Session 1.3 The Importance of Rating Importance Rhianna Harker & Wayne Franklin, Charles Darwin University
Session 2.1 Messages from the Middle #2 Anne Melano, University of Wollongong
Session 2.2 How UC are using dashboards to track improvement in their research capability Rebecca Armstrong, University of Canberra & Chris Dyne, Altis Consulting
Session 2.3 The analysis of qualitative survey comments using a Thematic Content Analysis methodology Malcolm Rees, Massey University
Session 3.1 Business glossary development – tools and process Alex Blagus, University of New South Wales
Session 3.2 Using Learning Analytics to enhance the student experience Jennifer Heath & David Fulcher, University of Wollongong
Session 3.3 Does national feedback about the student experience have the potential to improve teaching quality at a course level? Sonia Whiteley, The Social Research Centre
Session 4.1 Competitive Advantage: Aligning strategic management and business intelligence Stephen Ivey & Togamau Te’o, University of Southern Queensland
Session 4.2 Factors impacting on graduate salary Gabrielle Hodgson, Department of Education and Training
Session 4.3 Engaging Students Through Infographic ‘Stories’ Wendy Marchment, Deakin University
Session 5.2 2016 Employer Satisfaction Survey: First National Results Phil Aungles, Department of Education and Training
Session 5.3 Student Survey Feedback and Unit Grades: Is there a Relationship? Steven Collette, University of Tasmania


Wednesday 16 November

Session 6.1 Implementing a University ranking strategy, 2013-16 Alistair Duncan, La Trobe University
Session 6.2 New Graduates in the Australian Labour Market: Job Search Strategies Bruce Guthrie, Graduate Careers Australia
Session 6.3 CQUniversity students are now ‘having their say’, so what are we doing about it? Sharon Liddell, CQ University
Session 7.1 Experience to date with a modular Student Experience Survey and the use of data visualization tools to display the outcome. Malcolm Rees, Massey University
Session 7.2 Higher Degree by Research Survey- insights to help Deakin bridge the gap between expectations and experience? Lyndal Vick, Deakin University
Session 7.3 Does Early Feedback Make a Difference? A Dynamic Change To Student Evaluation Ada Wong & Alberto Mendez, University of Technology Sydney
Session 8.1 Moving from what so to so what Stuart Terry, Otago Polytechnic
Session 8.3 We are Entering the Cloud – Rules and perceptions Wendy Marchment, Deakin University
Session 9.1 A revised approach to surveying students in response to increasing student satisfaction and retention. Andy Chong, Swinburne Institute of Technology
Session 9.2 Maximising the effectiveness of online survey reminders Jayde Grisdale, The Social Research Centre


Award Winners

Best Session Presenter:
Stuart Terry, Otago Polytechnic
Moving from what so to so what

Best New Presenter:
Jennifer Heath & David Fulcher, University of Wollongong
Using Learning Analytics to enhance the student experience

Best Surveys Session:
Andy Chong, Swinburne University of Technology
A revised approach to surveying students in response to increasing student satisfaction and retention.